Infant and toddler health | Infant Development, Newborn Care, Disease Prevention, & Toddler Health

Infant and toddler health | Infant Development, Newborn Care, Disease Prevention, & Toddler Health

infant and toddler health, area of medicine concerned with the well-being and prevention of disease among children ages 0 to 36 months.

One of the most important factors in promoting infant health is breast-feeding, which provides strong health protection for infants and has the advantage of being more convenient and less costly than bottle-feeding. In less-developed countries, young children are often breast-fed for extended periods because breast milk is their primary source of nutrition. Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) encourage breast-feeding for at least two years. In developed countries, most infants are weaned by the end of their first year of life, if not sooner. The percentage of women who choose to breast-feed also varies by country. For example, breast-feeding rates are as high as 98 percent in Sweden; in countries with such high rates, government policies often are designed to encourage the practice. In the United States the majority of women breast-feed newborns, and about half continue breast-feeding until the baby is six months old. Working mothers who choose to can use a breast pump to express breast milk to be fed to infants by other caregivers. Solid foods are introduced as instructed by pediatricians, beginning with cereals and progressing to vegetables, fruits, and meats. By 8 to 12 months, infants may eat soft or pureed table food.

Charting growth and preventing disease

Infants and toddlers visit medical care providers at designated intervals to have their growth and development charted, to receive vaccinations, to have hearing and vision checked, and to have potential problems identified. UNICEF estimates that 1.4 million children under age five die each year from vaccine-preventable diseases. Immunizations that protect children from a variety of preventable infectious diseases are available at physicians’ offices and at health clinics worldwide. Required vaccinations generally include diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella (German measles), Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib), hepatitis B, and chicken pox. Some schools may refuse to enroll a child who has not received the required inoculations. In less-developed countries, international organizations such as UNICEF and WHO often work with local governments to promote immunization programs.

Immunizations, however, do not act as barriers to frequent ear, respiratory, and gastrointestinal infections. Normally, these infections respond well to treatment and are not causes for significant concern. However, bacteria that are responsible for certain ear infections (otitis media) appear to be developing resistance to common antibiotics. Persistent ear infections have been associated with permanent hearing damage. Likewise, when ailing infants and toddlers have diarrhea, they are susceptible to dehydration, which, if left untreated, could lead to death. Rehydration formulas are widely available to restore fluids and electrolytes.

Children in socioeconomically disadvantaged families tend to be in poorer health than those in the general population. In some places, rates of lead and pesticide poisonings may be higher in this segment of the population, though all children are susceptible to poisoning in unsafe environments. Infants and toddlers in less-developed countries, where sanitation and access to safe water and food may be limited, are highly susceptible to a host of waterborne and food-borne diseases, such as typhoid fever and cholera, and to vector-borne diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever.

Conditions present at birth

Either at birth or shortly thereafter, an infant may show the first sign of a transmitted disease or an inherited abnormality. For instance, infants born to HIV-positive mothers may become infected with HIV at birth. Certain inherited metabolic disorders, such as phenylketonuria, are diagnosed at or shortly after birth, as is fetal alcohol syndrome, a condition caused by excessive maternal intake of alcohol during pregnancy. Many genetic and congenital disorders can be diagnosed prenatally through screening. However, advanced screening technologies may not be available to or easily accessed by pregnant women in some less-developed countries.

Access to medical care and proper nutrition are essential to the normal growth and development of infants (0 to 12 months) and toddlers (12 to 36 months). Infant mortality is one of the most significant indicators of the level of social development within each country. Consequently, mortality rates tend to be lower in developed countries and higher in less-developed countries. The highest infant mortality rates are found in Angola, Afghanistan, and many countries in sub-Saharan Africa. By contrast, Monaco, Japan, Bermuda, and Singapore are among the countries with the lowest infant mortality rates. Since 1990 most countries have experienced declines in infant mortality rates. Perinatal (within the first month of life) mortality rates have also declined, due to improvements in medical knowledge and technology and increased attention paid to prenatal care and infant health. In addition, the incidences of low-birth-weight newborns and short-gestational births have dropped in some countries, thereby helping to improve the overall statistical health of surviving infants and toddlers.

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a common cause of death among infants ages two weeks to one year—unexpected deaths of outwardly healthy infants. SIDS is diagnosed in cases where no other explanation of death emerges following investigation and autopsy. It appears to occur with increased incidence in infants exposed to tobacco smoke and among infants with low birth weight. The campaign to place sleeping infants on their backs has helped to reduce the rate of SIDS.

Improving infant and toddler health

Campaigns to improve infant and toddler health often have specific goals, such as reducing iron deficiency and poisonings, reducing growth retardation associated with various causes, or reducing the rate of antibiotic use for ear infections. Cutting the rate of infant mortality, including reductions in SIDS rates, and improving accessibility to vaccinations and rehydration therapies are goals common to countries worldwide. The use of car seats and the elimination of lead from paints used in children’s toys are other areas of concern for infant and toddler health and safety.

Elizabeth R. Purdy The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica


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