How to Find the Right Healthcare Provider
Skin specialists are essential in treating psoriasis and developing an ongoing treatment plan for the condition. However, finding the best dermatologist for psoriasis can be complicated since psoriasis treatment involves the entire immune system, not just the skin.
This article discusses psoriasis treatment and medication, including how to find a psoriasis care team that can help you control your condition.
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Everyone who has psoriasis should have a dermatologist as part of their care team. Compared to healthcare providers, who treat all sorts of ailments, dermatologists specialize in skin, hair, and nail conditions.
Dermatologists can help you manage psoriasis by helping you identify triggers, create a skincare routine, and manage medications. They can also offer more treatment options that your primary care provider might not have experience with.
Finding a psoriasis specialist near you can be challenging. Remember that many dermatologists can see you via telehealth, so you can access the best dermatologist for psoriasis, even if they don’t live within driving distance.
A rheumatologist is a healthcare provider specializing in autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, known as rheumatic diseases. Psoriasis is caused by the immune system attacking the skin, which leads to the lesions and plaques associated with psoriasis.
A rheumatologist is especially important for people who develop signs of psoriatic arthritis. Up to 40% of people with psoriasis will develop this form of arthritis, which happens when the immune system attacks cells in areas of the body other than the skin. The symptoms of psoriatic arthritis include:
- Swelling and stiffness in the joints, fingers, and toes
- Changes to the fingernails, including separation or infection
- Fatigue
It’s important to treat psoriatic arthritis quickly, so it can be beneficial to plan and establish a relationship with a rheumatologist once diagnosed with psoriasis.
An internist, also known as a primary care provider, is often the first healthcare provider that people with psoriasis see. Having a primary care provider that you like is just as important as having a psoriasis specialist. Your primary care provider will:
- Diagnose and treat outbreaks
- Give you referrals to specialists
- Take care of your regular appointments
- Screen you for other conditions that often occur along with psoriasis including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and depression.
How to Find a Psoriasis Provider
Finding a healthcare provider can be overwhelming. These steps can help you get started:
- Ask your primary care provider for referrals.
- Ask for referrals from peers who also have psoriasis. People in support groups or social media groups may have suggestions.
- Find a healthcare provider through the Health Care Provider Directory maintained by the National Psoriasis Foundation.
Tips for Finding the Right Specialist
The best healthcare provider for psoriasis is one that has experience treating the condition. It’s also important that you feel comfortable with your healthcare provider.
To treat and manage your psoriasis, you’ll need to be comfortable talking with your healthcare provider about issues ranging from your diet to your stress levels. It would be best to find someone who will take any concerns seriously and with whom you’re comfortable having a candid conversation.
Everyone with psoriasis should have a primary care provider. Often. a specialist like a dermatologist and/or a rheumatologist will be helpful in managing more severe disease. Other specialists, like physical therapists, can help you live well with psoriasis.
Getting the diagnosis of a life-long medical condition like psoriasis can be overwhelming. One of the best things you can do to improve your prognosis is to build a treatment team that you trust. Look for a dermatologist and primary care provider who are willing to listen to your concerns and help you develop a treatment plan that works for your lifestyle.